Comment #3: Erik Rosenberg

Hello Erik,

This blog post is a very good and well-written blog post indeed. You thoroughly and succinctly defined scrum and its key points.

You also described how scrum affects your group, focusing on the benefits. However, you also discuss the negatives of scrum being implemented in game development team as small as your own.

The post is quite clear, leaving no part of the post open for questions as to missing information. Of course, the reader could develop questions based on going further into the subject.

The image you included in this blog post is appropriate and helps communicate points you discuss within your blog post.

The structure of the blog post is also well done. The introduction welcomes the reader onto the topic at hand, and the conclusion wraps up the contents of this blog post effectively.

The English used in your blog post is excellent. There are typos here and there, but nothing that hinders the reader’s ability to understand the blog post.

Good job Erik Rosenberg

– Anders Kemppainen

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